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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

The MEAA, Law Council, Adobe, academics and others will give evidence from 0900 AEST to a Senate inquiry into AI.[Full Text]
Inquiry hearings are webcast live and videos of previous hearings are available on demand.[Full Text]
TAI will host a webinar on Thursday on workers' compensation and gig workers.[Full Text]
Treasury issued its response to a request for documents regarding costings of Stage 3 tax cuts.[Full Text]
Treasury issued its response to a request for documents regarding UK scam trends.[Full Text]
Treasury issued its response to a request for information on official hospitality between 1/1/24 and 30/4/24.[Full Text]
Treasury issued its response to a request for documents regarding Secretary and Deputy Secretaries travel between 1/11/23 and 29/2/24.[Full Text]
Treasury issued its response to a request for documents regarding meetings on Managed Investment Schemes.[Full Text]
PM&C issued its response to a request for documents regarding a meeting between former PM Keating and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang.[Full Text]
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